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Becoming Catholic

Growing as a Disciple of Jesus
In Community

Come till the soil of your soul with us to prepare it to receive the seed of Divine grace, which enters and takes root through the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist.


​Together we strive to grow in these 3 important aspects of being a well-rounded Disciple of Jesus Christ.

Start Your Becoming Catholic Journey Today!


A Disciple of Jesus is always striving to live their life more and more like Him, by following the teachings of Jesus and the Church, and seeking Jesus' guidance on how to live and love better each day.



The Catholic Christian Faith is so Beautiful! Come to learn and behold the beauty of this Truth. Be formed in mind, so that God's Revelation can transform  and take root in every part of your being.

Initial Interview

Schedule a time to sit down with Jarrett to introduce yourself, share about your life and your desires to grow closer to God, learn about the process, and get started!

Small Group Meetings

Meet regularly with others who are also on the journey to Become Catholic. Meetings for the summer are Thursday evenings at 7pm.

Spiritual Mentorship

Choose someone you admire and trust to mentor you in your prayer life and discipleship. Meet monthly with them for guidance, accountability, and encouragement.

Receive the Sacraments

Once you have grown into a well-rounded Disciple of Jesus and are ready, a date will be scheduled for you to receive the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and/or Eucharist at Mass.



To have a relationship with Jesus, we need to speak with Him every day. This is what we call Prayer. There are many ways of praying. What is important is to find time every day, and do it.

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